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ECCE seminar – Better family-work balance to increase women’s participation in paid formal work

Tebita – First aid kit production

Tebita, production, first aid kit
7 July 2021

Prior to the global corona outbreak, PfC and Tebita Ambulance had agreed to set up a company to start production of first aid kits. 

With financial support from PfC, sewing machines and materials were purchased, and three women were employed by the company.

During the pandemic, the business was expanded to manufacture personal protective equipment such as face masks, and Tebita was one of the first to introduce reusable face masks to the market and to include this in their first aid kits. This investment proved to be a success and the small company has received large orders from, among others, insurance companies. Tebita is now working with Ethiopian Insurance Company – and an order for 1,000 packages is put into production. As mentioned above, 3 women are employed in the company, but in line with orders and production, the plan is to be eight employees during the year.

First aid kits in cars are not common in Ethiopia. This, despite the fact that the country has a severe  statistics when it comes to traffic injuries and deaths. Simple first aid equipment will  help to improve the outcome for those who are exposed to accidents.

Social Enterprise