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ECCE seminar – Better family-work balance to increase women’s participation in paid formal work

PfC partners with organisations, businesses and governments to leverage expertise and achieve common goals, offering services like establishing ECCE centres and support in scaling small businesses that supply childcare centres.

Open an ECCE centre

Centre-based childcare, with its structured environment and trained staff, fosters children’s holistic development while providing both parents peace of mind to work and increase household income. We partner with governments, businesses, and organisations to establish quality childcare services.  

kids playing in a child-care center in etiopia

Explore value-chain partnership

Developing the ECCE sector relies on a multitude of goods and services. We partner with small businesses that struggle to access financing despite a strong concept and proven demand. By scaling their operations, we ensure the delivery of quality materials and services, while creating jobs and growth. 

Learn more about the “Triple Win”

Our work is based on the strong evidence-base for developing a thriving ECCE sector in all countries, regardless of their economic status. Building a solid childcare infrastructure is a ‘Triple Win’ for society: It frees women’s time to work formally and pay taxes, it gives children a head-start, and it is a large growth-creator.

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