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ECCE seminar – Better family-work balance to increase women’s participation in paid formal work

Local production for childrens learning

19 September 2022

To supply the day care centers with learning materials, PfC cooperates with the female-run company Lewet / Five Dots.

The women in the company used to earn their living by searching the city’s rubbish dumps for something to sell. This is a very risky job and gave minimal income.

It’s a privilege to use skilled, local partners such as Lewet in this work. In this way, the material can be designed in line with the children’s needs, and the women in the company are guaranteed production and employment.

The production of material has been made possible thanks to donations from the foundation “Et Rikere Liv”. Suitable machines have been purchased and 5 new products have been developed.

In addition, funds donated directly to PfC via the platform Shareitfair will be used for learning materials for the day cares. Via the Shareitfair-app, private individuals can give a gift directly to the organization(s) they wish to support. We are proud to be one of the organizations that, so far, has received the highest funds – which will be transferred directly to our projects.

Centre-based ChildcareValue chain creationPartnerships