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ECCE seminar – Better family-work balance to increase women’s participation in paid formal work

Securing quality in ECCE centres

19 April 2024

In April 2024, PfC conducted a supervisor training in Addis Ababa for ECCE-centres.

This was the 3rd gathering out of 4. 27 candidates from several ministries, state agencies and the City of Addis participated.

The participants had lessons in quality assurance, planning, budgeting, child development, child psychology, how to sustain staff’s competences, leadership, emergencies, collaboration with parents and homes; all aspects of securing quality and safety for the children. The lessons also contained group work and role-play. A written homework was also part of the training. So was internship in excellent excisting ECCE- entities, with reporting back. The group was a wonderful and competent assembly of dedicated persons.

PfC is really making a difference and contributing to an emerging ECCE sector in Ethiopia!
