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ECCE seminar – Better family-work balance to increase women’s participation in paid formal work

National day care development

24 May 2023

Research shows that the earlier you invest in a child’s development, the more you get back later. Centrebased care are also an important prerequisite for women to be able to work and create value.

After having gained experience from several day care pilots in Addis Ababa, and with a new national day care standard in place, it is now time to scale nationally.

In this connection, a course on the importance of day care was held in May. During the course, the participants received a thorough introduction to the day care sector, with Norway as a model. The participants also visited 4 of the public day cares in Addis Ababa; all supported by Partnership for Change.

Representatives from 12 regions (which are the highest level of sub-national government in Ethiopia) participated.

The course was led by Arni Hole from PfC, who has been working within this field since 2017.

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