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ECCE seminar – Better family-work balance to increase women’s participation in paid formal work

Education project Ongoing


The Concept

For six years, this project has been pivotal in enhancing early childhood care and education (ECCE) in Ethiopia by training staff and developing a specialized curriculum in collaboration with Ethiopian and Norwegian experts. The training culminates in certification by the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs, reflecting its high demand and the government’s support. With plans to graduate 50 assistants in 2024, the project anticipates transitioning the training program to Kotebe College of Teacher’s Education, ensuring sustainability and local ownership.

I know I will be a totally different person as a person not only as an assistant. This journey has led me to a whole new level of understanding and interaction with children

Graduate of the ECCE assistant training

The Challenge

The initiative addresses a critical shortage of trained ECCE personnel in Ethiopia, where the formal education system is still evolving. To mitigate this gap, PfC has trained assistants, supervisors, and managers by combining face-to-face, practical, and online methodologies to produce competent childcare providers. This approach not only meets the immediate staffing needs of childcare centres but also sets a benchmark for quality in early childhood education, with the broader goal of improving childcare services nationwide.

The Solution

The project’s long-term vision involves integrating the PfC-developed curricula into Ethiopia’s national higher education system, with Kotebe Teacher’s College in Addis Ababa establishing a 1-year diploma for assistants in 2024. This move will elevate the standard of ECCE training and attract students from across the country. By fostering a high-quality
educational framework for ECCE staff, PfC and its partners aim to catalyse a systemic change in Ethiopia’s approach to early childhood education, ensuring a brighter future for the country’s youngest citizens.

278 assistants trained

54 supervisors trained

42 managers trained

This journey of learning to respect children has been eye-opening and transformative.”

Graduate of the ECCE assistant training

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