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ECCE seminar – Better family-work balance to increase women’s participation in paid formal work

Value-chain creation project Completed

Five Dots

The Concept

Five Dots, a social enterprise, is addressing Ethiopia’s educational gap by producing affordable learning materials for young children. Despite a compelling business model and growing demand, it faced typical small business hurdles in securing finance to scale up operations efficiently.

Our satisfaction comes from seeing our products stimulate children while also changing the mothers` life. Both the mothers working with us and the mothers of the children in the childcare centres

Sinedu Abera, founder of Five Dots

The Challenge

The necessity for this project lies in the broader aim to enhance early childhood education in Ethiopia. Limited access to quality educational resources hampers learning outcomes, underscoring the importance of initiatives like Five Dots that aim to reach every Ethiopian child with effective learning tools.

The Solution

The solution involved securing a modest grant that allowed Five Dots to purchase machinery and materials in bulk, thus boosting productivity and lowering costs. This strategic move not only improved educational resources for numerous care and education centers but also provided meaningful employment opportunities, notably transforming the lives of 14 women from marginal backgrounds.

80% increase in productivity

163% increase in turnover 

450 playing materials produced

28 centres with 656 children have access to quality playing materials

14 marginalized women hired by Five Dots have doubled their income

Now I know I will never have to collect garbage to survive again. Because I have a new skill

Meseret Mekonnen, Five Dots employee

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