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We won’t achieve equality between the genders and inclusive growth without addressing how the care economy limits women’s options. Over 600 million women worldwide are unavailable for paid work due to obligations with family and childcare. 40% of children under 5 worldwide lack access to professional childcare, and 80% of them live in lower income countries.

The lack of childcare infrastructure is the last obstacle for women to work and combat poverty.

International Labour Organization

Early Childhood Care and Education

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is the bedrock of our work, lifted by our 4 main tools – quality assurance, education, centre-based childcare, and value-chain creation.

These tools encompass direct project implementation as well as transformative awareness-raising, to ensure that social justice and internationally recognized human rights are realised in practice, not just

Quality Assurance

Development of the policies and legal framework needed to ensure quality across a country.


Creation of formal training courses to enhance professionality, status, and pay for ECCE staff.

Centre-based Childcare

Establishment of quality childcare centres to demonstrate what is possible and inspire others into action.

Value-chain creation

Entrepreneurship support to scale local companies delivering goods and services to childcare centres.



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