All articles
Centre-based Childcare
Vocational Training
Social Enterprise
Value chain creation
Quality Assurance
Article in Addis StandardOther
10 Years in Ethiopia!Uncategorised
Women’s Entrepreneurship DayEducation
Ready to Make a DifferenceCentre-based Childcare
Menelik Childcare Centre ReopensEvent
Ethiopia’s Energy, Minerals and Digital FutureCentre-based Childcare
Childcare centre in Arba Minch PrisonEvent
Better family-work balance to increase women’s participation in paid formal work Education
Securing quality in ECCE centresCentre-based Childcare
Gender equality in the WorkplaceSocial Enterprise
Felek – Design for Decent WorkQuality Assurance
MoU signed!PfC and Addis Ababa City Administration have signed a three-year Memorandum of Understanding to work together towards creating better childcare facilities for children in the city.
Centre-based Childcare
Opening of Summit ECCE CentreEducation
National day care developmentValue chain creation
Distribution of learning materialsCentre-based Childcare
Real Gender Equality through ECCESocial Enterprise
Felek – Design for Decent WorkVocational Training
Siiqqee – Girls Clubs for SafetyEducation
Graduation!Value chain creation
Local production for childrens learningSocial Enterprise
Tebita – construction has started!Vocational Training
Siiqqee – The Girls’ center opened!Social Enterprise
Tebita – Education of ParamedicsEducation
Graduation of 70 assistants!Social Enterprise
Tebita – First aid kit productionQuality Assurance
Partnerships for systemic changesEducation
Competance ensures QualityCentre-based Childcare
Start-up for 30 children!Vocational Training
Siiqqee – New girl’s center!Education